
Hermann Aukenthaler

Dairymaids as decoys
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
And I can also say. One was, who has bidden Streahle. This is a big cattle dealer in Sterzing. He has a large hall on the fifth burner. Lately that's been so since the ears brands have emerged, with whom you can select the cattle on the ears. And there it is more difficult. But have been the Streahle, which is a great Viehhänder who has been so refined that has brought girls in the pasture, where the finances, Walsh, folded. Since he has seen that the customs officers make with the girls while they are over with the animals. Then again that's gone well. You have everything to do with a rotation to work with all the possibilities. It's been interesting times. And since the customs officers have had their eyes when they saw a beautiful girl, a beautiful Gitsche. That was already hot. Yes, living no more, the cattle-dealer. He's been refined. That's been times. The night is not really the problem, the night is doing with the cattle. Hard is just the beginning, I shall not want. But even if it is on the way, the cattle, it's the perfect night in a